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Discus fry first hatch
First day discus fry separated from parents
Discus Fry - first week after eggs laid
Keeping Discus Fry Alive
Discus fish wigglers 24 hours after hatching
2 weeks old discus fry.. Subscribe if I deserve.. #discus #discusfish #discustank #discusbreeding
Red melon discus eggs hatched
Discus fry, week old (free swimming). Growing well taking BBS and First Bites.
When To Remove New Discus Babies
***Artificially Raising DISCUS FRY!!! The start to a long process***
How do I Breed Discus? 12 Days from Egg to Fry Hatching Discus!
Red Melon Discus Fry 1st Day after hatching